Tuesday, 10 March 2015

It's Arrived!

Well here it is delivered. Checking all the boxes made me feel like a 10 year old at christmas! I'm just so pleased that finally it's in my garage.

I thought I'd start by fitting the steering rack first which was easy enough although having spent ages looking for the sva poly bag which contains the track rod end sleeves I can't fit the the track rod ends
Looks like the sva bag has not been delivered .My first call to derek will be this morning.
I do have a shortages list of parts which are due hopefully to be delivered in about a week these are;
Air box, Rear axle, Bonnet grill's,  Gear lever, Steering lock, Roll over bar, and the wheels.
Today I'm going to fit the front lower wish bones and have a look at the head light assembly.


  1. Nice... I notice your engine has the shiny water pipe already fitted. (Mine wasn't and that gave me momentary stress)

  2. I must admit i've only just noticed it! My main problems today were trying to sort out the light's and wires after 3 goes and a fare bit of cursing.Several hours later got the L/h sorted and then the r/h side was fine. although there was no way i could pass the wires through with the grommet in place, I will have to think of a plan B for that.

  3. Michael, you definitely need the grommet at the bottom of the headlamp bracket (it will be a big hassle to solve it later as the front suspension is connected to the light bracket). For the top hole, where the wiring goes in, I understand that Caterham have a way to sort this at the post build check (or so I'm told). I found Holts rubber lube made getting the wires in much easier.

  4. I have already spoken to derek on this he knew that i was missing the grommets and just told me to carry on, he did explain that the solution is to cut them in half and use super glue which i will do as the iva inspector only needs to see them there. Better than pulling them out again which is a last resort.
