Saturday 27 September 2014

Weather gear or not?

I think that upgraditis has set in :-), first it was the seat belts now after setting my mind on keeping the car simple and going with an aero screen, I am now pondering getting the weather gear, screen roof and doors. I know that it would make the car so much more practical. I think that after 10 mins with an areoscreen the wife would not be too happy,…….I can see another call to doug is on the way.

In preparation for the cars arrival i have given the garage a once over, painted the floor fitted some new bright lighting and sorted out some tools. Nearly ready i think. Although building it in jan/feb its going to be blinking cold in there so some sort of heating is next on the list to sort out.


  1. I decided on weather gear, including heater. Just for practical purposes, plus I thought it might help resale if it came to it.
    Good luck on preparing the garage. I'm doing the same!

  2. Hi Ned, As of a few days ago I have changed the order and added the weather gear and carpets, I'm sure that it will let me enjoy the car far more! Like you say just more practical, Just been checking the manual on how to fit it all!,...
